The Exorcism and Liberation of Spirits
The Truth of Spirit conducts Exorcism and Liberation as part of its Divine mission. If you are experiencing any problems in connection with unwanted spirit activity, please contact us here to receive assistance.
Exorcism is a Divine procedure, which is used for the removal, and expulsion of 'Celestial' Dark spirits (Demons) by an individual appointed to this Divine ministry by God himself. A person who engages in such a ministry is known as an Exorcist.
Liberation of a spirit is a different process to that of Exorcism, as it is a process for spirits of the 'Incarnated' type, who need spiritual assistance or spiritual counselling. This type of spirit benefits from, and ultimately progresses through the Liberation process.
Note: The difference between Celestial spirits and Incarnated spirits is that Celestial spirits have never lived on the Earth before, whereas Incarnated spirits have. All people who have lived on Earth, or who are living on Earth are Incarnated spirits.
The activities of both types of spirit can be very similar to each other and unless a person has the gift of Clairvoyance or Clairaudience, they will be unable to establish what type of spirit is troubling them. A Celestial spirit will be more problematic than its Incarnated counterpart.
Spirits can attach themselves to people, to their property or to their belongings and will continue to remain present through this attachment so long as conditions remain favourable for them, which can be based on the way you live your life, your treatment of others and your overall conduct.
A spirit that has attached itself for whatever reason has no place being there and needs to be removed. A person who for example has a negative or Dark spirit present within their house will know of its presence, due to the effects that are felt and seen from its activity.
The process of Exorcism is a Gift from God given to certain individuals so that these malevolent Spirits can be removed and if necessary, sent to a place where they cannot do any more harm. Exorcism is one of the Gifts of the highest order.
A person who has been given this Divine authority is the only person able carry out Exorcism, as to try to exorcise a malevolent or Dark Spirit without this God given authority can place you in a position of great danger and your life may be at risk.
These malevolent Spirits know who has this authority and who does not and will use the opportunity to cause harm to any person who attempts to exorcise unlawfully. Consider the account in the Bible when seven men tried to exorcise a Dark Spirit from a man at the time of the Apostle Paul (Acts 19 v 11- 16).
These men considered that they had the authority from God to remove the Dark Spirit, but because they did not actually possess such Divine authority, they suffered the severe consequences. The Spirit spoke to them and outwardly denied that they had the required authority. They all suffered a severe physical attack because of their attempt to exorcise the Spirit.
The account recorded in (Mark 9 v 20 - 27) is an example of the recognition by a Spirit of Divine authority and jurisdiction that a person has over it. The Spirit in this account on seeing Jesus and in the knowledge of Jesus' Divine Authority over Spirits reacted badly and threw the boy into a convulsion.
The account in (Mark 1 v 21 - 27) also confirms that Dark Spirits have knowledge and recognition of one who has the Authority from God to remove them. This account details how the Spirit conversed with Jesus, with full knowledge that it was about to be removed, as its tone was one of a mocking nature. Once the command under the authority of God was given, the spirit reacted violently and left the man.
A person today who claims to be given Divine authority to expel Dark Spirits can only be vindicated by virtue of the good effects seen following the Exorcism. If a person is experiencing severe problems in their home at the hands of a Dark Spirit and an Exorcism is performed but the Spirit is still active afterwards, then the Exorcist does not have the required authority to perform such work.
There are many reports of Exorcisms that take numerous days to perform and conclude, due to the alleged volume of Spirits connected with the person or property. Any Exorcist working in this way must be avoided, as once the commands to leave are given to Dark Spirits by a person having the authority from God, those Spirits regardless of their numbers must and will leave that person or property immediately and not take days to do so. These Spirits are not given a period of time in which to vacate the place they are residing in, and neither are they allowed to leave the person or property at their own convenience.
In cases like this the Dark Spirit is deceiving the Exorcist into thinking it is being removed and is in affect playing with the Exorcist, pretending to leave so that they think the spirit has been removed.
Once commanded under the authority of God to leave, unwanted Spirits must leave immediately, with no mitigating circumstances or direct pleas from the Spirits being considered either, for some Spirits do attempt to stop the Exorcism by offering reasons as to why they should not be exorcised but left alone.
Some believe that the spirit needs to be beaten out of the person, as by the beating of the body the spirit would no longer wish to reside in such a broken and now physically impaired body and will therefore leave but this is unacceptable and not the case. A person receiving Divine help in removing a Spirit would not expect to end up in a worse position than they originally were, as only good effects are seen when any procedure is performed under the instruction and authority of God.
Dark spirits may put up some resistance to what has been commanded, but any amount of resistance will be to no avail and the spirit must obey.
There is also another problem to consider when a person enters into the act and process of Exorcism without authority from God which is Transference.
Transference means that the Spirit in knowing that the Exorcist does not possess the God given authority to remove it, can decide to take up residency with them or worse.
To illustrate the dangers involved in attempting to exorcise a Spirit without Divine authority and of Transference, the following are the details surrounding one modern day Exorcism. Taken from the Book "Binding the Dark" by Roger Baker, it states: -
They held him down while the Doctor was summoned. The Doctor intuitively felt that the Padre would
be more helpful, but when he arrived, he felt out of his depth. However, he made the sign of the
cross over the man and said, " In the name of Jesus Christ I command this thing to come out of you! Whereupon the Soldier recovered his senses, but the Padre dropped dead"
Not only does this modern-day episode show the danger in attempting to enter into a Divine work without the required authority, but also shows that a Spirit on being exorcised needs to be "sent" to a given place, otherwise Transference can take place. It is not sufficient or advisable to just merely cast it out, but it must be sent to a definite location. An Exorcist working under the authority of God is aware of where the Spirit needs to be sent and will have this awareness and instruction through Clairvoyance or Clairaudience.
The Padre in the previous example commanded the Spirit to come out of the Soldier, but besides not having appropriate authority to make such a command, neither did he inform it where it should go and so the Spirit decided to transfer to the Padre and cause his death. It is noteworthy that the Padre although being a Padre did not in itself give him the right to perform such a Divine task.
Dark spirits can make you ill, and they need to be exorcised, with a person's physical or mental complaint being seen to dissipate very quickly following the spirit's exit.
Once a Dark spirit is removed it is removed for good, and cannot return, as it has been removed by the power of God which is absolute.
It is important that any person who is experiencing problems at the hand of malevolent spirits seek advice from an experienced Exorcist in identifying the reason as to how the spirit was able to draw close and attach to them. Dark spirits must be allowed in or invited to draw close to you and it is necessary to know how the initial attachment was formed. There are certain activities or practices that a person can engage in that will make conditions favourable for a malevolent Spirit to enter their life and cause severe problem namely the list of 7. It is therefore necessary for this identification to be made as otherwise following Exorcism, a spirit, once removed, cannot return, but if you make conditions favourable by pursuing either the same or another negative or unwholesome activity on the list of 7, then other spirits will replace them, with the same problems being experienced once again.
The word Liberate according to the Dictionary means " To release, to set free ". Liberation of a Spirit is a different process to that of exorcising one, as the Spirit in need of Liberation needs to be conversed with and maybe counselled. Liberation is a Divine process that offers practical help to those previously Incarnated Spirits who require awareness and understanding of what has happened to them following their death. The Liberation process thereby allows them to move forward and Spiritually progress.
Some Spirits need help in progressing through the Spiritual realms following the death of the physical body, as some choose to remain on a plane of existence that is very close to that of the earth and are thus referred to by many as Earthbound Spirits. Spirits like this may have a limited Spiritual knowledge and are unable to truly comprehend what is happening to them and therefore resist the changes that are set out for them, preferring to exercise their free will and remain were they are.
A Spirit therefore that may be residing in a person's house may not be malevolent, just in need of help. They may make their presence known to the occupants of the house in the only ways Spirits can and do not intend to cause harm or upset, but merely desire to communicate with the occupants. People who have the ability to speak with these Spirits are able to discuss with them what has happened and enlighten them as to Spiritual matters. This is necessary for the Spirit to progress and develop, as it is not part of any Spirit's evolution to remain tied close to the earth but must move forward.
Through the help of a person given the ability of Clairaudient communication, the Spirit will be enlightened, encouraged and aided to begin making the required progress. The person or group of people liberating the Spirit will at this point take counsel and advice from the Guiding Spirit/s who are working with them to ascertain what needs to be done and said.
The whole service of Liberation is done out of love and compassion for the Spirit, as they need help and guidance, for it must be remembered that such a Spirit was once a person who lived on earth, except they do not have their physical body anymore. Therefore, when a property is classed as haunted it is possible it is due to an Incarnated Spirit/ Earthbound Spirit who may need help and not necessarily a Dark Spirit bent on causing harm.
The Incarnated Spirit therefore does not need to be exorcised, but is in need of loving assistance and understanding, this being the clear distinction between Exorcism and Liberation, as the Celestial type of Spirit needs to be removed without discussion, while the Incarnated type requires advice, counsel, and support.

Help: Exorcising of Dark Spirits
Spiritual healer, Colin Harrison, is actively engaged in exorcising malevolent spirits that are occupying a person's home and other premises.
There are Celestial spirits who are negative in every way and have never lived on earth before. There are also Incarnated spirits who are the spirits of people who have lived on the Earth before, and although not necessarily dark, can still be very troublesome to us on earth.
Both types of spirit’s are successfully dealt with by Colin and the whole removal process through either Exorcism or Liberation is completed within a short space of time. If you can say YES to ANY of the following questions, then you need Colin’s assistance:
Q: Do you have a noisy spirit (Poltergeist) in your home? This is very easily recognisable with the likes of objects or furniture being thrown around a room.
Q: Do you feel the presence of a spirit, or see a spirit in your home?
Q: Are you hearing strange, unnerving noises that keep you awake at night?
Q: Are you experiencing any supernatural phenomena that you wish would stop?
Q: Is your health being affected by spirits in your home?
Spirits are able to attach themselves to people, to their property or to their belongings and will continue to remain present through this attachment as long as conditions remain favourable for these spirits to remain attached. This can be based on the way you live your life, your treatment of others and your overall conduct. A spirit that has attached itself for whatever reason has no place being there and needs to be removed. A person who has a negative or Dark spirit present within their house will have no doubt as to its presence, due to the effects that are felt and seen from its activity.
Q: Do you see signs of something invisible sitting or your bed, or feel an invisible person trying to get into bed with you?
Q: Do you feel or sense an invisible body lying next to you or an invisible force touching you intimately when you are in bed?
Q: Do you hear the sound of a Horse in your bedroom?
Q: Are you seeing the shape of a horse forming in the corner of the room?
Q: Do you feel a weight pushing down on your chest when in bed?
If you can say YES to ANY of the following questions, then you have an Incubus or a Succubus in your home. These are sexual spirits and urgent assistance is required from the Truth of Spirit so they can be removed. An Incubus preys on females, while a Succubus favours males. Both these sexual spirits will become more powerful and stronger in their intention, the longer they are present in your home, for their ultimate goal is to have sex with their victims.
Please contact the truth of spirit if you require assistance.