Daily Protection from Dark Spirits
Just as there are many good people who live on the Earth, there is also an element of people who are bad, behaving in a way that shows that they have no respect for people or property and have no wish to conform to any laws or rules. Similarly, in the spirit worlds, just as there are many good spirits who are loyal to God and do all that he asks, there is also an element that is in opposition to God. These spirits have no respect for him and refuse to abide by any laws that He has set.
This bad element also extends its rebellious activities to the Earth, as they wish to influence all people into doing what is wrong and unacceptable in God's eyes, just as they do. These spirits are determined to influence people to live a life that is unrighteous, immoral, dishonest, selfish, and worldly, wishing everyone to be inadequate by God's standards.
As these spirits are always active in this pursuit, it is therefore necessary to seek "Protection" from them. Protection from harmful or bad spirits is requested through prayer and is received from good spirits of God who are given this specific task.
Protection can be likened to a door, for example the front door to your house. If you go to bed at night and leave your front door open or even ajar, you will find undesirable people entering your house and causing you great upset through their actions once inside. Your front door is never left
open, it being foolish to do so, as you know that you would not be protected.
So, it is with the spirits who wish to do you harm, they must never be allowed to enter your life and therefore, your protective Spiritual Door must always be kept shut and locked, with specific prayer being the means to do this. We therefore require Divine Protection in repelling the following:
1. Dark Spiritual Influences and Temptation
2. Direct Spiritual Attacks, Otherwise Known as Psychic Attacks.
Countless times during the week you may experience varying degrees of negative Spirit influence as they can place wrongful thoughts, temptations, or desires into your mind. These spirits work very subtly to impress upon you what they wish you to do and unless you can recognise these subtle impressions you will succumb, thereby doing what is displeasing to God.
They also have the ability to steer you towards the various means available that will eventually instil into your mind such negative thought patterns and then influence and impress you to act upon them.
How do Such Spirits Influence our Minds?
Close attention needs to be paid to your reading material, for what you read has an effect upon you. Through books and magazines etc. these spirits know this is an ideal and subtle way to change your way of thinking and the way that you behave. If you constantly read stories or material relating to violence, murder, rape, or other gross violent acts, then you may be under the influence of these Spirits, for a genuinely caring and compassionate person would not find such material entertaining or enjoyable.
As your mind is like a computer, it follows that what you put into it may eventually be utilised. People will be influenced by what they read and may eventually wish to copy or emulate the people or actions they have read about, for many violent people have admitted and attached blame for their actions upon what they have read.
It is quite easy to dismiss this philosophy as unfounded, but this is the very view that these negative Spirits wish to convey to you and will always impress you to believe that reading such material is acceptable.
Also consider the vast amount of other material, books, tv and films that are inspired by all manner of negative behaviour. Consider too the Internet and the vast array of negative material that can be viewed within the privacy of your own home. This sort of material can eventually influence us and begin to slowly change our outlook and beliefs on certain subjects, our treatment and respect of others and our behaviour.
Thus, we need to be vigilant all of the time therefore in identifying what is suitable material to read or watch from whatever media, for negative Spirits in opposition to God will always implant thoughts in your mind to encourage you to read, view and enjoy such material. Once you begin to embrace such material as acceptable, you are then within the grasp of these Spirits, and they then have power and influence over you.
We must also be aware of our acquaintances, colleagues, and friends, for it is a fact that to some degree you become like the people you associate with. Therefore, when a person's behaviour is not good, then your inner Spiritual alarm bell must ring to alert you to a danger, as people like this will not aid your Spiritual progress. It is not that developing this awareness is setting you on the pathway to being paranoid, or unnaturally suspicious of every person you meet, but that you are exerting a degree of caution in assessing whether certain people you are in contact with are a good influence for you or not.
In identifying those people in your life that are not behaving in a way that reflects God's qualities, will enable you to distance yourself from them so that you too do not become like them, or prey to the Spirits that may be influencing them.
Remember this: - People who do not live a life that is reflective of God's qualities, who are not striving to always do what is right, are not respectful, considerate or show concern for others, are likely to be under the influence of Spirits in opposition to God.
Once you begin to acknowledge the need for "Protection" and to ask for it regularly, it will once receive enable you to recognise more readily Spirit temptations and desires being offered to you and help you to be more able to repel them the instant they are received.

Direct Attacks or Psychic Attacks
When a person is engaged in a specific Spiritual work or is actively seeking to understand Spiritual matters and is structuring their life to become a better person in God's eyes, then they will as a matter of course come under direct attack or psychic attack from negative spirits and will find that divine protection will be needed more so and is always available.Due to this spiritual awareness raising within, negative Spirits will concentrate their efforts on you to stop this progress. Theses Spirits are in opposition to God and will continually try to deter anyone from serving God or living a life that is acceptable to him.
Such attacks are also known as psychic attacks and can take the form of a dream that is so real that the person will at times have difficulty in deciding whether it is really a dream or actual reality. These dreams are usually structured to be of a very disturbing and upsetting nature, being engineered for you personally, to have the optimum negative affect upon you and in the hope that you will desist and cease your Spiritual work.
They may attack you audibly so that you may hear what sounds like a voice whispering to you when you are at the point of sleep, effectively waking you up and unnerving you. These Spirits may speak to you directly through your mind and at any time of the day or night, putting ideas and suggestions to you that you will find again unnerving, or through what they say to you, begin to destroy your self-confidence.
You may hear noises close by to where you are located, or from outside of the room you are in such as bangs, cracks, or whining noises. You may hear the sound of the telephone ringing, which transpires on investigation that nobody has in fact tried to contact you. The television or radio may switch itself on or off, as too may the electric kettle or toaster, or the burglar alarm may begin to sound for no reason.
These Spirits sometimes opt without your knowledge to move small articles you possess from room to room, or you may find objects inexplicably disappearing, only to re-appear at some point in the future, which all serves to disrupt and frighten the person to decide to give up their interest in spiritual matters.
If a person is engaged in a specific spiritual work, these Spirits usually try to implant or instil into their mind the thought that they are not good enough to do this work, or that they are not worthy enough to conduct such a Divine service, or that they are not successful in the actual work they do. Such thoughts are destructive and if allowed to lodge within the mind, will begin to erode spiritual confidence and eventually bring about closure of the work concerned.
Protection, once asked for, will assist in dispelling such thoughts and allow the mind to be only open to positive thoughts. Through the use of fear, these Spirits can succeed in their mission, which is to get you to give up your spiritual work and spiritual outlook. "Protection" from God will therefore stop these Spirits from being able to disrupt or interfere with you in any way and only through its use will a person gain confidence in its effectiveness.
We also need to be aware of the need to ask for protection regularly and not to assume we are given it automatically. If a person is involved in a spiritual service, then they must never presume that protection has afforded them as a matter of course, for all people of every spiritual standing need protection and must request it.
How to Protect Yourself
When protection from God is asked for in the proper manner i.e., not in a casual way but in full conviction of this Divine assistance, then you will receive his protective shielding from the Spirits who would try to cross your spiritual threshold.
Once we have accepted that protection is necessary and must be requested, we need to give consideration then to the actual prayer for protection.
If you have already structured your life so that you pray each day, then you may wish to incorporate a prayer for protection within that daily prayer, as opposed to asking for protection in a separate prayer. The following prayer is intended only as a guide but can, however, be used without alteration.
This Prayer when recited in the knowledge and confidence that God will afford you his needed protection is all that is necessary, and no other form of request need be entered into. The above prayer once recited to God will be acted upon by the Spirits given charge over you and the protection that you have sought will be given.
The prayer for protection must be said regularly and not just when you remember, ideally forming part of your daily routine.
These Spirits in opposition to God will at times subtlety impress you to feel that protection is no longer needed, thereby causing you to fall into a false sense of security. They will also impress you to believe that you are protected at all times and even if you have forgotten to ask God for it, that he will still continue to protect you. This is dangerous, as once you stop requesting protection you are in effect leaving your spiritual door wide open, thereby allowing the negative spirits to enter your life and adversely affect you.
I acknowledge you as the Almighty God YHWH (you MUST say the letters) Jeshua as the Christ and the power of your Holy Spirit.
I deny and rebuke Lucifer and the Devil to this day and all those that follow them.
I thank you for all the things that you have given me this day and ask for your forgiveness if I have displeased you.
I ask for your Divine Protection for my family, my house and myself. Protect us please at all times from all types of negative Spirits whose intention it is this day or night to hurt, harm or disrupt us.
Protect us also from any negative energies or negative ‘thoughtforms’ from whatever source they may emanate from and keep us all totally safe.
Accept my thanks for this Divine Protection, and may all I do, and think, and say always be to your satisfaction. AMEN
Daily Protection Prayer
There are some people in certain religious orders that believe that by merely saying the name of God aloud is all that is necessary to receive protection. For a person who requires protection, the mere saying of God's name alone will not totally protect them.
If a person who does not have the Gift of Exorcism were to say the name of God aloud to a bad Spirit, it would not leave them alone, nor will the mere utterance of the name alone give them total protection from its activities. More often it is seen to have the opposite effect, as the spirit will react very badly on hearing God's name and is likely to cause even more damage and harm than before, as it is being taunted by using the name.
Protection from such spirits is not attained either by the uttering of other revered names such as that of Jesus, or of the Saints, for a name cannot dispel a spirit, unless used by a person with divine authority to remove or exorcise them. The use of religious artefacts will also be of no lasting benefit in receiving protection, for such articles although revered and cherished do not in themselves offer protection. Holy water, crucifixes or religious pictures are also unable on their own to offer total protection from negative spirit influence.
Remember: The act of seeking protection through a "Prayer for Protection" is the only way that total protection is received from God.
If a bad Spirit is tangibly active in a person's house, the asking of protection will not remove it, for protection alone is ineffective in removing such spirits once they have crossed your spiritual threshold and have entered your life. The spirit will need to be removed through the process of exorcism and by a person with the divine authority to do so, with the Truth of Spirit being given this divine spiritual work.
Pay careful attention therefore to what you read, watch, and find entertaining and to your choice of friends and associates, for in identifying those pursuits, activities and people that are not good, will keep you on the right road. It is always easy to do that which is wrong and all spirits in opposition to God in knowing this, are forever active in trying to stop you doing that which is right.
Be vigilant and ask for God's protection, for in so doing immeasurable help will be given you as you aspire to be morally and spiritually excellent.