The Truth of Spirit adopted this symbol in accordance with Rollo's instructions.
Rollo explained that the circle is a symbol of the Earth, and of humankinds incarnation upon it. The cross is a symbol of humanity. With outstretched arms, a human rises out of their earthly incarnation and progresses as spirit, upward, into the 13 Spheres of Redemption.
The cross also symbolises the sacrifice given by The Redeemer, for without it, God’s Plan of Salvation and Redemption could not have been realised.
The Meaning of the Truth of Spirit Symbol
The Taoist sage Lao Tzu taught:
'True service is not trying to appear to be a 'do-gooder', but to express our innate natural goodness spontaneously and effortlessly.'
The Buddhist sage Shantideva:
“When I work for others, I should not let conceit, or the feeling that I am wonderful, arise. It is just like feeding myself - hoping for nothing in return.”
Hindu sage Mahatma Gandhi:
“When a person loses himself in God, he immediately finds himself in the service of all that lives. It becomes his delight and recreation. He is a new person, never weary in service of God's creation.”
Methodist's Church founder John Wesley:
“Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as ever you can.”
Janusz Korczak, Jewish writer & campaigner
“I am not here to be loved and admired, but to act and love. It is not the duty of people to help me, but it is my duty to look after the world and the people in it.”
Truth of Spirit teaches that:
If anybody is in need, irrespective of what that need is, and you are in a position to help, then do so.
Do not expect payment or reward for your effort and do not keep account of it.
Give freely to all and do not seek notoriety for your deeds.
Show respect and love to all things, for all is spirit and all spirit is of God.
Through selfless service you will become morally and spiritually excellent (Holy) and for which you will attain God’s favour and oneness with Him.
Many people have an inner desire and need to serve their fellow person but are unsure as to what they can actually do. A good way to serve is to do some voluntary work, maybe for a local charity or charity shop or by offering your skills/time to a voluntary organisation. Decide who would like to help and then set bout considering your options and offer your services. Even just helping those you know personally in small ways is a good way to become spiritually excellent.
The world is full of opportunities to help others who are less fortunate than us and it only takes a little thought and application to begin helping another person.
In Parable the Good Samaritan, the Samaritan is called 'good' because he stopped to help a man who was in dire need at the side of the road and gave him the necessary assistance and at cost to himself. Although others had seen him in distress, they chose to ignore the plight of this man and continued going about their business, walking past him. This Parable offers an understanding of what love is and also of service. There is, however, a deeper level within this parable, and a lesson to be learnt by all those wishing to truly serve their fellow person. The lesson is this: The good Samaritan offered his practical help and assistance to this man without the man needing to ask him for it first. You hear many people say: “They should have asked, and I would have helped them.” A Good Samaritan is one who recognises a person in need and offers to help them. Ideally help should be offered before that person finds it necessary to ask for assistance. By doing this a person is thereby showing love to them and truly serving them, just as the Samaritan did in Jesus’ parable. As a spiritual practice, the value of service lies not just in what we do, but also in why we do it.
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
Saints, sages, spiritual leaders, and those deemed holy men, from every spiritual tradition, all teach that selfless service and helping your fellow person is the best way to God’s favour. Through selfless service of others, a person learns to understand God’s finest and supreme attribute, that of love, and in doing so, is able to draw closer to God.