Meetings held by the Truth of Spirit
Raising Spiritual Awareness:
The Truth of Spirit aims to raise awareness to the fact that God exists, is the Creator of all life, and has a definite purpose for all of humanity. Through the use of spiritual gifts, in particular, that of spiritual healing, the Truth of Spirit aims to succeed in this mission.
The Truth of Spirit acknowledges the sacrifice that Jesus made, in that he gave himself as the Redeemer of all and intends to raise awareness of this selfless act and to the true meaning of it. We endeavour to raise awareness to the existence of God's infinite worlds of spirit, and to the realisation of their help and assistance in the spiritual progression of humanity.
The Truth of Spirit provides the opportunity for all to thank God for giving us life, and the chance to redeem ourselves, following our part in the heavenly rebellion. As such, the Truth of Spirit has established the following meetings to this end:
Meeting for Spiritual Teaching
Meeting for Spiritual Advancement
Meeting for Disclosure and Counsel
Meeting for The Practice of Spiritual Healing
Meeting for The Remembrance of The Redeemer
Meetings for Spiritual Teachings:
Through Spiritual Teaching it is the aim of the Truth of Spirit to raise awareness to the existence of God, of the spirit worlds both good and bad and to the influence they have on humanity. Spiritual teaching will raise awareness to our past history, the reasons for our physical creation and to God's plan for the Redemption of all humankind.
All who attend the meetings of the Truth of Spirit will receive instruction as to how they can live their lives in a more agreeable and spiritual way, how to live a life that is respectful of all living things, regardless of their status, and how to truly respect and love God, oneself, and one's neighbour's.
Our teachings also endeavour to instil the need to understand the true meaning of love, and how to demonstrate it in our lives.
Meetings for Spiritual Advancement:
The Truth of Spirit will endeavour, through instruction and education, at a meeting for Spiritual Advancement, to develop the latent spiritual gifts innate in all of us. Through such meetings, an understanding of God given spiritual ability's such as clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and spiritual healing will be offered, together with practical guidance as to the understanding, development, correct implementation, and use of them.
Through such meetings, it is envisaged that many people will be able to realise their own spiritual potential, and in consciousness of this awareness, learn how to use their spiritual talents effectively and selflessly for the good of all. At these meetings direct communication will be sought with the spirit worlds of God to seek instruction and guidance as to how each person present can spiritually develop themselves further, so they may better serve God and his fellow man.
Meetings for Disclosure and Counsel:
For all those who are troubled or concerned by an action they have taken or a wrong deed they have committed, the Truth of Spirit offers the opportunity to discuss such matters in complete confidence. Through divine guidance and divine insight, counsel and admonition will be offered, with practical and spiritual direction being sought for them.
The initial steps to receiving God's forgiveness by firstly showing recognition of the wrongdoing and then displaying true repentance for the deed, can be taken through availing oneself of Disclosure and Counsel. The Truth of Spirit anticipates that through Disclosure and Counsel all members will be helped to stand before God with purity of heart, mind, and conscience.
No wrongdoing can be forgiven directly by the Truth of Spirit, for this is given directly by God himself, but such meetings will help people to understand how to receive forgiveness from God whilst also receiving practical advice and assistance.
Meetings for the practice of Spiritual Healing:
Through Spiritual Healing we endeavour to raise awareness to the existence of God and his spirit subjects, for by such powerful divine demonstrations of God's power, people will be brought to this realisation. Through such tangible actions as the healing of the sick, it is envisaged that many people will be prompted to learn more concerning this divine practice and how they too may heal.
Meetings for the Remembrance of the Redeemer:
In recognition of the ultimate sacrifice given by Jesus Christ in his incarnation on earth as the Redeemer of all the fallen spirits, the Truth of Spirit commemorates this selfless act annually. Through remembrance of the Redeemer, the opportunity to take advantage of God's Plan of salvation through the Redeemer's life and death on Earth, is acknowledged and commemorated.