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Kirit K Patak OBE. MD. & Owner of " Pataks" Foods Ltd.


We cross many people in our lives and find that some of them are special. You are amongst those special and gifted people whose life and work mirrors that of Angels. You have touched my soul and I am eternally grateful to God for his blessing us with you. May you continue to shine your light in the darkness of all our lives. God's love and light always.

Pete (Wolf) Webb; Musician & Bass Guitarist of "The Sabbath"


As for my You know, I think the PAIN HAS GONE; I mean, it's not hurting at the moment, and it is definitely not nagging me anymore.

I have looked at your website and I am obviously more interested since your healing on me, and I am more likely to believe things now. I can be a bit sceptical, especially about healing, but I have to say, having been witness to it myself, I believe a lot more now and I will read your books ASAP...

From Dorothy Cann: Full time Grandmother


I was the first person that Colin healed over 7 years ago for years I suffered back problems & chronic pains in my legs, visiting the Doctor and Consultant, having traction all to no avail. One day telling Colin all my woes he said rather self-consciously, "I think I can heal you"" and I replied well please do it then!!! He gently placed his hand on my back for a time and said to see how things went. Later the pain became really bad but then started to decrease and by morning it had gone away.


I cannot describe the relief I felt. Since then, if at times I aggravate my back, I ring Colin and he does the healing "absently", and it always works. I can always tell when he has done it as an overwhelming tiredness comes over me and I just have to sleep there and then, usually for hours at a time, waking refreshed and healed again. Colin is the genuine article, full of humility and wonder at being used as a channel for God's healing power. Without doubt he deserves recognition and our thanks for the unassuming way he uses this wonderful gift for everyone's benefit and for no monetary gain for himself or his family.

Louise Nicholls: - DNA Analyst, Forensic Science Service


I just want to say that Colin has helped me through one of the most difficult times in my life and helped me regain some direction and understand that my energy should be concentrated on the things that bring me happiness, not the things that cause me pain. It is amazing that he uses his gift to help people and not using it to make money. I will be forever grateful to him. Thank you.

Stan Robinson; Central Heating Engineer/ Plumber


When Colin first done healing for me it was on my knee as I was having a lot of pain and swelling in it, which was due to an operation I had for cartilage problems a few years earlier. Immediately all pain went, and it has not returned. Another healing from Colin was for my eye as I had years previously had an operation on it and new lens fitted and had to take tablets. Immediately after the healing all of the pain went and hasn’t returned since. I would not hesitate to ask Colin for a healing if I had a problem.

Louise Belcher; IT Training and Support DWF Solicitors


"I first met Colin, approximately 7/8 years ago now. His wife told me of his special gift of spiritual healing at that time. I have now introduced him to my parents - my mother is suffering from malignant melanoma and my father has lung cancer. After that very first meeting, they confirmed that they both felt a sense of peace. Although my parents are still undergoing hospital treatment, I certainly feel that he has helped them get through the trauma of seeing doctors and going to and from hospital) I understand he has baffled the medical profession on one or two occasions! I myself trust his judgment without reservation. I know that if I ask any question, his answer will be honest and generally have a positive effect!"

Elaine Levers: Full Time Child Minder


My name is Elaine, and I would like to say how Colin has helped myself, and some of my family. I have had problems with my back, knees, and stomach for a number of years. When my back went, it was hard for me to walk without tensing my body, but thanks to Colin, I am now able to walk without tensing, or even thinking about it. I also had problems with my stomach and asked Colin to help me. In January I had an examination done of my stomach, I was given the all clear and even my Hernia disappeared.


My sister also had the same experience, she went down to have a Polyp removed, but that too had disappeared. Needless to say, the doctor was baffled, as they don't just go without being surgically removed. The feeling you get when Colin does his healing is a sense of heat and relaxing relief, then the urge to fall asleep which you can't fight.

Jane Wilcock MA, RMN, Dip (Couns) Counsellor / Healer.


I have known Colin Harrison for some 20 years both in my capacity of Spiritual Healer and mentor. Colin works with the highest spiritual aims, objectives and care for the many people who have requested Gods help by way of spiritual healing. He always works on a voluntary basis following the guidance of those spiritual inspirers who assist him in his work.

Having dedicated his life to God's purpose for us in our lives, Colin has been inspired to found the Truth of Spirit and regularly receives teachings, which he has written and published in booklet form. I personally have received spiritual healing and guidance through Colin and am aware of a number of other individuals he has helped with good results. I have no hesitation in offering my wholehearted support to Colin's work, as I know him to be entirely honest and sincere in all that he does to help those who ask.

Clare Rigby: Lecturer

Following scans and a biopsy my one-year-old son was diagnosed with an extremely rare kidney cancer which had spread to his lungs. We were told that this kind of cancer does not respond to chemotherapy and that it would almost certainly be terminal - as you can imagine we were devastated. Eventually it was agreed that we would try two cycles of chemotherapy and, if there was no response, my son would not receive any more treatment.

Following the first cycle, out of desperation, I decided to try alliterative approaches also and was put in contact with Colin. Colin came to see my son and advised us that he would probably be very tired afterwards - he slept for almost fifteen hours! Three weeks after this visit my son has his first scan and, to everyone's amazement, the kidney tumour had shrunk to almost half its original size. Our oncologist was pleased and agreed to carry on treatment but still warned us that, because of the nature of the cancer, the outlook was very poor. The next stage of treatment was removal of the diseased kidney which went well - this allowed for histological examination of the whole tumour.

To our absolute amazement the histology results showed that my son did not have the rare cancer but a much more common and treatable one - were the biopsy results incorrect or had the cancer changed? My son has now been clear of cancer for over a year now and, although we still have a long way to go, things are looking more promising and I am convinced that the Healing he has received has, and is, helping him and I am eternally grateful to all involved.

Clifford & Esther Hurst; Retired (Australia)


Although we live in Australia I asked if Colin would conduct "Absent Spiritual Healing" on Cliff my Husband. I could not believe the change in Cliff as after a couple of whoosey days he began to pick up and by that, I mean, he was standing tall instead of hugging his stomach - where he has the aneurysm under a hernia. His system isn't as sluggish as per usual and we are back to walking along the beach- maybe two or three K's, in the mornings [about 4 times a week] I now have to try to keep up to him! We have a rest and drink water when we stop then turn and walk back to the car and drive home. After lunch it's rest time then he's out in our little garden clipping the bushes. Colin once again thank you immensely for your help. Sincerely, Esther Hurst. God Bless You. xxxxx

Susan Thomas: Professional Cyclist.


I have received spiritual Healing from Colin on several occasions for a variety of problems I was experiencing. These varied from physical injuries incurred during my profession & also mental anguish. Each time I have experienced pleasant feelings of calmness, with what I can only describe as a million thoughts flashing through my mind making my eyes flutter. I have also been aware of the presence of people I have been close to but are no longer with us on Earth. After the healing I have felt uplifted & the problem has disappeared very quickly afterwards.

Colin performed spiritual healing on me 2 days before my race in the 2002 Commonwealth Games as I was suffering badly from neck & back pain. This had failed to respond to treatment from physiotherapists. The next day I was free of pain & rode an excellent race thanks to the help from Colin. In my experience, longer-term complaints have also been treated successfully too with Spiritual healing.

I have noticed sometimes that I feel the need to rest after help has been given & after a sleep involving vivid but pleasant dreams, I have woken feeling relieved & refreshed. I have had Colin work upon me from his home & workplace but also from a distance, sometimes as far as Australia & America when I have been away racing. I have found both methods a great success.

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Robbie Malloy: Commercial Caterer


I have known Colin Harrison since January 2003. Having studied intensively in this field it never ceases to amaze me, how amazing and calm I feel whenever I have spent any amount of time with him. Undoubtedly one of the most modest people that I have ever encountered, his gentle, calming, reassuring voice and ways would calm the wildest lion. Indeed, he has the heart of a lion, wonderful abilities in Healing and spirit communication, but his most important line is the TRUTH... In our heart of hearts, we all know instinctively the meaning of this word. When we deviate from the truth, we become disoriented and lose our pathway… Colin has the ability, and I am not sure how it works, to lead you back to this magical journey that we must take. I cannot recommend him highly enough. A wonderful soul and be blessed the day that you cross paths with him...

Steven Cann BSc: Graduate of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Glamorgan University


Steven Cann BSc: Graduate of Criminology & Criminal Justice, Glamorgan University.

Colin has helped me numerous times, from advice to the Healing itself. A while back, I had difficulty sleeping, so I asked Colin to help me. That night, after Colin did whatever it is that he does, I could not keep my eyes open. I haven't had trouble sleeping since!! I highly recommend Colin to anyone with any problems at all, as I and many others have seen and experienced what can be done.


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