About the Truth of Spirit
About Colin
Colin has now been actively involved with spiritual healing, psychic development, and exorcism in Liverpool, for over 28 years. He is in a unique position to help all those with their own spiritual concerns and is often in great demand for his services. Colin first became aware of his spiritual talents when he was visiting a hotel in Merseyside in the UK.
A woman came over to him, who he had never met before, and proceeded to inform him of his ability to heal people. The woman told him that she was clairvoyant, and that her spirit guide had told her two years previously, that she would one day meet a man to whom she must give a rose quartz crystal and that she would 'know' who this man was and her spirit guide would communicate with her to confirm he was the person who must receive the crystal.
Colin accepted the crystal but was unaware of its true meaning. The rose quartz crystal is linked with healing work and that this was a sign of Colin’s spiritual healing work about to unfold, although he merely thought the encounter with this lady at the time was a little strange. About a month later, when Colin was again in another hotel on Merseyside, he was informed by yet another woman, on a visit from Miami, that she too was clairvoyant and had waited to meet a particular man for seven years, to whom she had to give an important message.
This woman said that Colin was the person she had been waiting to meet. The message from her spirit guide was that he needed to know that he was destined from birth to heal many people, and that his spiritual healing work would begin from that very night. Colin did begin his spiritual healing that night, healing a woman in great pain from a serious leg problem who was desperate for help. This problem left her in an instant and has never returned.
From that moment onward, Colin formerly began his healing work, and has to date successfully healed many people. With also receiving the communicative gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience, Colin's spiritual work continues to evolve and take on greater meaning and depth with the help of his spirit guide Rollo from whom he receives spiritual insight for the enlightenment of all.
Colin was informed by Rollo, at the beginning of his spiritual work, that his Divine mission is to establish spiritual teachings for the purpose of imparting an understanding of spiritual truths and to administer spiritual healing from the good spirit world of God.
Spiritual healer, Colin Harrison, conducts spiritual healing in Liverpool at the Truth of Spirit sanctuary on a daily basis.
People from all walks of life and from all around the world have received spiritual healing from the Truth of Spirit and can testify to its success.
The Truth of Spirit conducts spiritual healing for all people, regardless of whether they believe in God, are of a different religion/ belief or are sceptical of the practice. The success of spiritual healing is not reliant on any individual personal beliefs. God does not discriminate.
The Truth of Spirit does not expect or require any person after receiving spiritual healing to feel obliged to join our meetings. Furthermore, no attempt will ever be made to persuade a person to leave their present religion to become a member as everyone has their own free will to decide what they believe in.
Spiritual Healing
What is the purpose of Spiritual Healing?
All things in Heaven and Earth have a purpose. There is reason behind everything that is created, with spiritual healing being no exception as it too, is given to our world for a specific reason and purpose. Many people today attribute immense importance to the owning of material possessions, with their lives being focused and revolving around materialism e.g., the pursuit of money and the amassing of material wealth that may not be needed, but merely desired. Due to this long-standing avid pursuit of material wealth, the knowledge of our true origins, the reasons for our life on the Earth and of our eventual destination, have been cast aside with many now being ignorant of the true reality of life. Humanity’s purpose for being on the earth is to gain awareness and understanding of their affinity with God, to realise that Divinity lies within each of us and that we are all in essence spiritual beings. To ultimately draw closer to God, from whom we originated, and become more involved with spiritual matters, as opposed to material ones, is what is expected of us all in our lifetime on Earth. When spiritual healing is performed and good health is restored to a sick person, it gives all observers an opportunity to see for themselves the power of God, to raise the awareness that He is real, exists, and desires us to have again the same relationship we once had with Him. It also allows for people to have their awareness raised to the existence of the spirit worlds that have specific work and tasks to perform, with healing being one facet of their work. Many people require proof of the existence of God before they will believe in him, with spiritual healing satisfying this need, which increases the desire to gain knowledge of him and of his purposes.
What is Spiritual Healing?
Every person living on the earth is comprised of three things: 1. A physical body 2. A mind 3. A spirit When your body, your mind and your spirit are working in complete harmony with each other, good health is always experienced. When all three are operating without any interference or disruption, then no disease, ailment or affliction is prevalent. When, however, a disharmony or disruption to a person’s spirit occurs even if you do not know where this disharmony has stemmed from, it will always manifest itself as a physical complaint in the body. The mind is the expression of the spirit within, which can become disrupted if a person's spirit is not harmonious, resulting in mental health problems being experienced as a result. A doctor may treat a complaint with no success, finally stating on such occasions that there is nothing more that can be done. This is due to the fact that they are unable to treat such imbalances of the spirit, or mind, with tablets or surgery alone. Spiritual healing is often sought when all avenues have been explored and no cure, remedy or relief is forthcoming from any established medical source. Healing that is conducted in the presence of the person in need is referred to as contact healing, whereas if they are not present it is known as absent or distant healing. Spiritual healing literally means healing by spirit, i.e., the healing power is received from the spirit world under the authority of God, making the entire process a spiritual one, with the people giving this type of healing referred to as spirit healers or spiritual healers. A harmonising takes place through this Divine healing process of the mind, body, and spirit, resulting in the physical manifestation of the disharmony being removed, with wholeness, completeness and good health being reinstated. The healing power is conveyed by spirits of God and as a result of the intercession made by the Spiritual Healer on the person’s behalf. Spirits or " angels of healing” as they are also known, are given the task of directing the healing power to where it is required, being channelled directly and Divinely through the healer to the person concerned with necessary adjustments made. A person who has the gift of healing, which is a direct gift from God, performs true spiritual healing. The Apostle Paul discusses spiritual gifts from God, and lists many of them in the first book of Corinthians in the Bible (1 Corinthians 12: 1-11). This 'gift', although given to the healer, is for the common good, it must be used and freely given whenever it is requested and without prejudice or reservation. Spiritual healing at times, works instantly, removing the complaint, ailment, or disease . However, it is more common through spiritual healing that the complaint is eroded away gradually, dissipating away day by day until full health is restored once again. The process of spiritual healing can be likened therefore to a course of medical treatment given to you by your doctor, so that each intercession made on your behalf by the spiritual healer is as though another tablet, spoonful of medicine or injection has been given to you. Just as a Doctor would not expect his patient to fully recover from their complaint after taking for example, just one tablet, a spiritual healer anticipates that the problem will begin disappearing as each healing request is made. Spiritual healers at the Truth of Spirit are aware that the healing power is not of them, and therefore cannot give a guarantee that a person will be completely healed. All people who ask for healing will be helped, however, with the degree of that help being decided not by the spiritual healer, but by God Himself.
Development and Meditation
Psychic and spiritual development groups are held twice weekly on a Monday and Wednesday evening in Liverpool, at the Truth of Spirit sanctuary. Psychic and spiritual development classes with the Truth of Spirit have proven to be highly successful in helping those who attend the Truth of Spirit to develop spiritual communicative abilities that are inherent in every person, while also allowing attendees to gain a greater understanding of spiritual subjects discussed. Clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience are developed at our psychic development classes. Colin can also help you to develop other forms of spirit communication such as "Sleeping Communication" (formerly known as Deep Trance) and Inspired Communication (formerly known as Part Trance). A private session will need to be arranged with Colin for such development. The psychic development groups have certainly helped and assisted people onto their spiritual pathway, and all who attend find they are greatly uplifted by the end of the proceedings. There have been many people who had no knowledge of their natural spiritual ability before attending the development classes but have since developed their abilities.
Meditation for the Development of the Independent Divine Voice
Tuesday evenings are devoted entirely to the Divine communication of the Divine Voice. This form of communication is rare these days, but the Truth of Spirit has this type of spiritual communication. The Divine Voice is a communication whereby a spirit, or many spirits, are heard in the atmosphere, in front of you, to the side of you, from up in the roof space or from the corner of the room. When communications are received in this manner, there is no greater confirmation of the continuation of our spirit, for all in the room will hear the voice(s) of spirits of people who have previously lived on earth. To aid this Divine communication, a conical shaped trumpet is positioned on a small table in the middle of the room. As some spirits' voices are quiet low in volume, the trumpet can be used to amplify their voice. Underlying every meditation and psychic development group, the Truth of Spirit aims to raise awareness to the fact that God exists, is the Creator of all life and that he has a ultimate purpose for all of humanity. Throughout the course of our meditations for psychic development and spiritual evolvement, the Truth of Spirit also has the answers to the following questions given by the good spirits of God: Q: What is the true origin and future destiny of humanity? Q: Did we exist before we were born? Q: Why does God want us to live a life on the Earth? Q: Why do we have to die? Q: Where do we go when we die? Q: Will we live again on the Earth in the future? Q: What is the real reason we marry and have children? Q: Why will there never be true peace on the Earth? Q: What was the real reason for Jesus’ death?
Spirit Guides
Many spirits from the good spirit world of God work with those who attend the Truth of Spirit to help them complete tasks they have been given. Sprit guides only reveal themselves when the time is right, and if you have spiritual work to do.
Rollo was the son of Rognvald ‘The Powerful’ Eysteinsson and Hilda Hrolfsdatter of Norway, and King of the Vikings when on Earth. In the year 911 AD Rollo signed a treaty at St-Clare-sur-Ept, France, which effectively helped to end nearly 50 years of violent Viking attacks upon the French Kingdom. Charles the Simple, the new Frankish King, agreed to give some western territory to Rollo who, in return, swore homage to Charles, accepted baptism and Christianity, and agreed to defend Charles' kingdom against future Viking assaults. Normandy also known as the Duchy of Northmen (Normans) was thus created. King Rollo thereby became a landowner, and his Viking Warriors became farmers, with each one receiving the tenure of a Mannshlutr, meaning his 'man's share'. The Duchy was organised around the principal towns of Rouen, and Bayeux, in France. King Rollo married Poppa of Bayeux the daughter of Count Berengar II in 891 AD.Together, they had a son William Longsword and a daughter Adele-Gerloc. Under King Rollo's encouragement there was a general conversion to Christianity and marriages between Norsemen and Frankish women increased. Therefore, little by little, Viking and Christian society began to blend together. The Normans, as they came to be called, made the Duchy of Normandy the first modern state in the West. William the Conqueror is Rollo's 3x Great Grandson, making Rollo an ancestor to nearly all Europeans in modern day. His tomb is housed in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Rouen.
King Rollo of the Vikings (846-932 A.D)
On the 10th of September 1997 Colin, Founder of the Truth of Spirit, asked a prayer to God, requesting if through automatic writing, he could know who his spirit guide was, and that if it would it be possible for the pen he was holding, to write down the name. Colin closed his eyes and did not look at the piece of paper. Immediately the pen began to move of its own accord and some 15 minutes later, the pen stopped moving.
Colin did not look at the paper but moved his hand slightly to the right and immediately the pen began to move again. Eventually, after approximately 45 minutes total the pen stopped altogether. Colin looked at the paper to see what was written on it.
The writing (right) is testimony to the automatic writing which took place during these 45 minutes. Although the name, Rollo, was unknown to Colin at the time, following inquiries made at the local library, it was revealed to be the name of King Rollo the Viking.
Since that day, many have seen Rollo standing next to Colin.
Bernadette of Lourdes of France is best known for experiencing apparitions of a "young lady" who asked for a chapel to be built at the nearby cave-grotto. The vision had told her "to drink of the water of the spring, to wash in it and to eat the herb that grew there," as an act of penance. The next day the grotto was no longer muddy but clear water flowed. Bernadette's physical body is incorrupt and has not decomposed since she died in 1879. In the 160 years since she dug up the spring, cures have been verified by the Lourdes Medical Bureau as "inexplicable". The grotto where the apparitions occurred are now major pilgrimage site and the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Lourdes, attracts millions of visitors a year.
Bernadette Soubirous (1844-1879)
Colin has direct contact with Bernadette Soubirous of Lourdes, another spirit who works with him and assists him in healing people. However, on the first occasion he saw her, while in the Highlands of Scotland, Colin had no idea who it was when she appeared to him. The next day, Colin merely said to his wife “I saw a Nun last night standing in front of me". On another occasion, approximately 1 year later, Colin was locking his car up for the night, and there was a slight breeze about at that time. Suddenly, it was as if the sound had been switched off and there was an overwhelming, deafening silence, the likes of which Colin had not experienced before. Colin looked at the trees and later stated that: "All the leaves on the trees stood still." At this moment Colin also felt that someone was standing behind him, so turned around to see a brilliant white ball of light hovering in front of him. This glowing ball of light hovered for a short while and then shot up into the sky and across into a farmers field and disappeared. Colin had no idea what this ball of light was or why it was there. 11 months later the same thing happened again. The sound appeared to be switched off and the leaves on the trees stood still once more. This time after a short while, the ball of light fell into the ground and stayed there. That very week a lady who Colin had given healing gave him a book she had bought him at Lourdes to say thank you. It was a book about the story of Lourdes, a story that Colin did not know. Colin saw the photograph for the first time of Saint Bernadette and instantly knew this was the Nun he had previously seen in Scotland. He then read the section about Bernadette when she first saw her vision at the Grotto in Lourdes. Bernadette's exact words were: "Just before I turned to see the vision, all the leaves on the trees stood still." These were the exact words Colin said when he saw his visions/balls of light which he now knows that it was the spirit of Bernadette to let him know that she had begun to work with him to heal people. All visitations were to confirm her attachment to him. To date many people have seen a nun (Bernadette) standing by Colin. In Bernadette Soubirous’ own words: “My job is just to give you the message, it is up to you whether you believe it or not.” Thus, the Truth of Spirit, never imposes its views or beliefs upon people. We simply offer the spiritual insight given. It is then down to the individual to decide whether or not to reject or accept the message.
Rollo, imparts spiritual guidance to Colin, through clairaudience and Bernadette Soubirous, who helps Colin with his spiritual healing gift. But why a saint and a Viking?
Rollo explained that 1100 years have passed by since he lived on earth, and he has learned a lot in that time, and he is not the person he was then as he is far more spiritually progressed. However, Rollo said that he still retains the Viking mentality in that he would lead the Vikings to win the day and always succeed in any mission.
He passes on to Colin this desire to succeed and the strength to continue on with the work of Healing. Rollo said he gives conviction and fixity of purpose to Colin so that with Bernadette's assistance, success is guaranteed and Colin's work in Healing will raise awareness to God.
Therefore, the strength, conviction and energy of the Viking and the Healing direction from Bernadette is a most powerful combination.