Why Are Some People LGBT+?
Through direct communication with God’s spirit world, the Truth of Spirit has received the answers to the following questions:
Are LGBT+ people heterosexual but merely choose to be LGBT+?
Are LGBT+ people physically flawed or imperfect?
Does the Bible condemn LGBT+ people?
Is AIDS a Divine punishment from God?
The spirit world of God requires awareness to be raised to the ultimate truth concerning LGBT+ orientation. All around the world LGBT+ communities constantly suffer unnecessary prejudice, abuse, and violence because of their choice of sexual partner. Being in the minority serves to exacerbate their plight, and the insight offered by God’s spirit world aims to address the many misconceptions that are popularly believed.
The spirit world of God wants all people to realise, understand and accept that LGBT+ people should not be outcasts or classed as inferior within society. All things happen at their appointed time, with the insight into the truth concerning LGBT+ orientation being specifically given to the Truth of Spirit, with the spirit world of God certain that now is the time for it to be readily accepted and embraced as the truth. The spirit world of God is under instruction to impart this truth to our world, with advanced hierarchies of spirits overseeing this work.
Proud and Prejudiced
One group of people who have been subjected to intense prejudice and ridicule throughout history is the LGBT+ community. People over the centuries have openly voiced their opinions and in many instances have resorted to displays of violence against such people.
Sadly, many people although claiming to be upstanding, charitable and God-fearing, also have radical beliefs about LGBT+ individuals and choose to condemn them for their lifestyle, believing that such people are to be excluded from receiving any assistance from them, as they are under the negative influence of the dark and beyond redemption.
Many people today believe that their anti-LGBT+ views are right and as in previous times, defend their views in the same way by quoting selected verses from the Bible or their religions holy book.
Does the Bible Condemn LGBT+ People?
Many Christians believe and strenuously argue that God himself directly condemns LGBT+ individuals and because of this they too must be condemning, quoting various verses from the Bible. In the Old Testament of the Bible there are indeed passages that refer to "men lying with men" and further state that God is displeased with such a practice.
The account of God's instructions to the nation of Israel in (Leviticus18 v 22) is often quoted to uphold the belief that relations with the same sex is ungodly and therefore wrong. However, when reading this account, God gave this instruction to the nation together with dozens of other instructions, with the full extent of God's directives regarding sexual behaviour being listed throughout chapters 18 & 20.
Many instructions and directives were given at this time, with many referring to and detailing the required sexual behaviour of heterosexuals too. The Leviticus account instructs for example, the single heterosexual people of the nation not to commit fornication, i.e., no single man or woman could have sex with another single person. The married heterosexual people were instructed not to commit adultery, i.e., no married man or woman could have sex with another married person. The homosexual people were not specifically singled out by God for condemnation but received a directive regarding their sexual behaviour just as heterosexuals did. Consider also the directive given by God at this time that no one could have a Tattoo (Leviticus 19 v 28) and yet people are not condemned for it today.
This directive was given to this nation for a reason, just as all of God's directives including homosexual practice was. God also gave detailed instructions and directives concerning the following:
Food that was clean and unclean: - (Leviticus 11)
Regulations regarding Mildew:-(Leviticus 13 v 47)
Cleansing from Mildew: - (Leviticus 14 v 33-56)
Regulations regarding Infectious Diseases: - (Leviticus 13)
Cleansing following Infectious Disease: - (Leviticus 14)
Discharges that caused uncleanness: - (Leviticus 15)
Instructions regarding eating blood: - (Leviticus 17)
Unlawful sexual relations: - (Leviticus 18)
Instructions for Priests: - (Leviticus 21)
Instructions following childbirth: - (Leviticus 12)
Instructions regarding eating fat: - (Leviticus 7 v 22-27)
The list above is only a sample of instructions given for a specific reason. This nation was a nomadic nation living for a time in the desert, it was necessary that strict laws were adhered to regarding health and social behaviour, for any outbreak of disease would have had a detrimental effect on the people. Same sex relations therefore should never be condemned based on an ancient nation that received directives from God for that time period.
Is HIV/AIDS a Divine Punishment?
In considering the section of the Apostle Paul's letter to the Romans in (Romans 1: 26-27) we note that he also says that homosexual people "would receive in themselves the due penalty for their perversion" (New International version).
Many people over the years have singled out the HIV/AIDS Virus as God's specific divine direct punishment for those who are unrepentant in being LGBT+. If HIV/AIDS were truly a divine punishment, then it would therefore be logical to expect all LGBT+ people to be suffering from God's judgment, but this is not the case.
It is also known that those who identify as lesbian are the least likely to contract the disease. If HIV/AIDS is a divine punishment as many fervently believe, then why is this section of the LGBT+ community able to avoid this terrible disease to some extent?
It is Interesting to note that Pope Pius 1X ruled that it was forbidden for any Christians to be inoculated against Smallpox as this disease was a direct punishment from God. It is now however obvious through scientific discovery that he was wrong in this belief as Smallpox is not a punishment from God and is instead due to other explainable factors.
HIV as with other sexually transmitted diseases is the result of viral transmission and by having many sexual partners, LGBT+ and heterosexual people alike have an elevated risk of passing on sexually transmitted diseases and is therefore not a penalty related to divine retribution or punishment from God.
The Following Questions Are Therefore Asked:
Q. Why is it that some people are LGBT+?
Q. Did God intend for some people to be LGBT+, and if so, why?
Colin received the following insight through direct communication with the Spirit World of God. The words of his Guardian Spirit Rollo are reproduced here exactly as they were received: -
"God is a God of precision, exactness, perfection and order, with all of his creative works testifying to this fact. Everything that God has brought into being has purpose and reason, with nothing being borne out of error or through mistake, for he is a God who operates to standards of excellence far greater than any other. Consider the universe and the fact that the earth and all the planets orbit each other in perfect alignment and with absolute precision, with the sun being the means to support all earthly life.
There is no error of judgement within their framework and all planetary bodies are engineered to the highest specification. The human body is also a feat of divine engineering and a piece of supreme workmanship that cannot be copied by any man. The intricacies and workings of the human brain are still only fathomable in part by the great Doctor of Medicine today, for such creative works are beyond man's comprehension. All God's creations are magnificent and perfect, have reason and purpose and are no accident.
Everything therefore that God has created or brought into being is without flaw or fault and adheres to a perfect divine blueprint. People who are gay must never therefore be viewed as imperfect, for they are specifically created by God and are therefore good.’
The Reason Why Some People Are LGBT+:
When God originally created the spirit worlds, he created all spirits either male or female and, in his image, (Genesis 1:26-27). All spirits whether male or female will always operate and conduct themselves according to the way they were created, so that a male spirit will always operate as a male and a female spirit will always operate as a female regardless of whether they are living within the confines of a human physical body or not. God allows male spirits to incarnate upon the earth in physical female bodies as he also allows female spirits to incarnate upon the earth in physical male bodies. A male spirit therefore although living in a female physical body, will be attracted to a physical female. The female spirit, likewise, although living in a physical male body will be attracted to a physical male. It is therefore the type of spirit within a person that determines those to whom they will be physically attracted.
A person may have an inner knowing that they are really the opposite sex. This is because the spirit inside their physical body is opposite to the gender of their physical body. There are many people who change their physical gender through surgery and hormones. The mind is the expression of the spirit within a person and those who are transgender may have a strong overwhelming inner knowledge that their mind is different to their physical body. Their mind or spirit tells them they are female, but their physical body is male and vice versa.
For those who are intersex, this is a physical condition were the individual has sex characteristics that do not fit the binary notions of male and female bodies (genitals and chromosome patterns). These individuals may also have a ‘knowing’ of which sex they identify with as their spirit within will be either male or female. Those who identify as non-binary, will also only be of either a male or female spirit but how they choose to express themselves in the physical life on earth is their own free will choice.
God has two definite reasons for allowing such incarnations to take place.
1st Reason:
God foresaw that he needed some form of constraint over the earthly population of humanity, as over many thousands of years of physical procreation there would be very quickly a population problem of immense proportions. Overpopulation of the earth would bring about severe problems that would directly interfere with humanity’s spiritual progress for which God foresaw. He was aware of the need for the population of the earth to be "governed" and therefore brought about this arrangement. Through homosexual incarnations, the procreation process of humanity is controlled while still allowing spiritual progress through an incarnation on earth to take place.
2nd Reason:
God has a specific purpose for each heterosexual and homosexual person’s life on earth and structures their experiences accordingly. God structures the incarnation of LGBT+ people differently than he do for others, with many of their trials and tests also being of a different content.
All LGBT+ people throughout their incarnation will receive tests and learn lessons regarding physical and mental control just as heterosexuals do. Eating, drinking, sexual activity, and all that is physically enjoyable and pleasurable in life requires moderation for a person to be balanced, with LGBT+ people receiving more stringent tests in these areas than other people. The marriage arrangement was brought into being by God to allow spiritual lessons to be learnt, so that through sincere commitment to each other and striving to live a life together in a bond of selfless love, God's divine attribute would be fully understood and appreciated. LGBT+ couples too can also understand and appreciate God's divine attribute through a caring relationship and are expected to behave in the same manner towards each other as heterosexual couples.
Total control and mastery over the physical body and its desires is the ultimate goal and purpose of all trials and tests given to LGBT+ people by God. Although not necessarily procreating in the way that God intends heterosexuals to do, LGBT+ people will still learn the spiritual lesson of love through the caring of a partner or adopted child.
Final Words from the Spirit Worlds:
"A person who is gay does not choose to be gay in this life but operates according to a divine blueprint laid before them before they came here, and in the manner in which God intended. God did not create anything that he later needed to condemn. God's supreme attribute is love and all who display true love to their partner through a loving relationship whether heterosexual or homosexual cannot be perverted, and any demonstration of God's highest attribute can never be a perversion. All are created equal and in God's image and no person should condemn or judge another, for all are treading an individual spiritual pathway according to their needs and as God has determined. God has love for all creation."
The Truth of Spirit received these words from Spirit Guide Rollo:
"Homosexual people and Heterosexual people alike operate according to the physical programme they are born with just as all life forms do and cannot change that. Within that physical framework is the Spirit of the person which operates according to its type, male or female. The Spirit is unchangeable and will always continue to remain as it was intended when first created. A homosexual person knows with certainty they are gay and are sure of their feelings and sexual inclinations towards others. A gay person does not become gay overnight or out of some whim or out of a desire to be like other people they associate with but are gay from birth and continue to be gay throughout their life.”
A homosexual person is not heterosexual and cannot therefore suddenly give up their lifestyle and would find it impossible to behave as a heterosexual. There are indeed some people who have behaved as heterosexuals for many years and even married and had children, but eventually they find that they cannot continue in deceiving themselves or others and finally acknowledge and openly state their sexual orientation.
Many battles against this inner personal knowledge regarding their sexual orientation, for some are aware of the prejudice or hostility they will suffer if they are openly honest about such a preference and therefore choose to keep quiet to avoid any unpleasantness. Those who have remained silent about their orientation will in time embrace being gay to some degree, for it is impossible for a gay person not to.
All people must acknowledge, honour and respect themselves, for all that they have been given to them. If you do not love and respect yourself, you cannot love and respect others. Give respect to all life forms and you too will be respected. Live in harmony with others and see all people as an ally and not your enemy. All are of God, and all belong to him; do not therefore despise anything borne out of that which is perfect. Gain understanding of your fellow man, for by doing so you will learn to accept him, for through understanding and acceptance love is developed."